A Not-So- WIPMarathon-Goodbye: WIPMarathon Check-In #9


February 1, 2014 by IfeomaO

Whew! Can’t believe it’s February already.  I’m sad and happy at the same time. 😦 🙂

Sad this is coming to an end, but happy it’s not exactly coming to an end.


I didn’t achieve my goal for WIPMarathon but I came 1/4th close to it, so that’s something, right? Keeping it half-empty. 😉

And I’d love to say thank you sooo much to all the WIPMarathon-ers for helping make this writing endeavor less lonely. I’m going to truly miss all of us. ❤

We could do another WIPMarathon in August, but it’s too far and it’d be nice if we can keep supporting each other until then. Actually, this idea was inspired by Cheyenne, Emma, Jessica and Suzanne. And I think it’s really a nice one.

The plan’s that we do a WIPMarathon report on the last Saturday of every month, until then. The next report would be on March 1st, if it’s okay with you, of course. 


Here’s the format for the monthly reports, which is almost similar to our weekly check-ins:


Blog Title: WIPMarathon Report #1 (or the succeeding number)

Last report wordcount + chapter count/scene count:

Current report WC + CC/ SC:

WIP Issues This Month:

Four things I learned this month in writing: One for each week 🙂

What distracted me this month while writing:

Goal for next month:

Last 200 words:



It’s pretty easy, yes?

Also, feel free to still use the #wipmarathon hashtag on Twitter while writing, and if you write any blog post before the report—any blog post that’s related to writing , you can always share it on the hashtag, so we won’t miss it on the Twitter feed.


Okay. *wipes tears* *all round hugs* *hearts and more*


This week’s check-in:


Last Word Count + Chapter Count:

38 109 words and up to chapter 14.


Current WC + CC (or SC):

23 061 words and done with chapter 9 (the end of my first act!)


WIP Issues this week:

My major issue—which accounted for me not writing for the most part of the week—was my climax.

I’ve been rewriting most of my first act, which involved removing a major subplot and everything was smooth-sailing until I realized I had all these little threads that could not be tied. Had to take a “mental health” break as Amanda called it, read a few books while my panic went into overdrive trying to brainstorm for a climax that would tie them all together. Finally, on Wednesday night, the muse struck. And I fell in love with my WIP again. 😀


What I learnt this week in writing: 

Anything can happen in a story when you’re rewriting, so don’t limit yourself or your characters. A character you thought would only be a minor character might turn out to play a bigger role.

I remember Veronica Roth said in one of her interviews, paraphrased, that if she could go back and change some things in her series, she would have kept some characters alive because killing them drove her a little into a spot. Sort of. I didn’t understand it then, but I think I do now.

The addition of this character to my climax made all the difference there is. On my outline, at least. 🙂


What distracted me this week while writing: 

Books. Amazon. Books. Goodreads. John Green.


Plans after this WIPMarathon:

I’d love to finish my second draft before next month’s report. Not sure I can do that, but my birthday is on the 28th of February and it’d be nice if I can finish this book before I turn a new year. But I almost always miss my writing deadlines, so we’d see how this one goes…


Last 200 words:

This is from chapter 2, a scene I edited. It’s a bit out of context but I hope it makes some sense.

As they walked out of the terrace, Pladdia repeated an earlier request to Niteo. “You can tell me the wish, I can say it all by myself.” Then I won’t have to waste your time and I won’t have to stand you.

“And I have told you. It works only when chanted with someone else.”

“Then I can chant it with Octavien or Kyara.”

“I meant someone else who knows how to say the wishes.”

She arched her eyebrow. “You make it sound like wishing requires more special skills than having a mouth and a brain. Say it and we’d learn it.”

“By that, I mean with someone who has used it before.”

“This seems like you’re making up some half-baked rules.”

“I prefer my meals fully baked. Or burned.” Niteo flashed her an easy smile that didn’t move her. “Joking aside, it is the truth. And if you doubt my motives, you can always ask your Sphera.”

This shut Pladdia up. She’d asked her Sphera about Niteo’s intentions over and over again.

Torr caught up with them, leading the way to patio at the back of the house where the legendary forest began.


Much love, everyone!! <3<3<3

Hope we see each other next month! In the blogosphere, that is, because there’s till Twitter.<3


21 thoughts on “A Not-So- WIPMarathon-Goodbye: WIPMarathon Check-In #9

  1. Cheyenne says:

    Those loose threads can be maddening, and sometimes just the thought of them scares me off changes… for awhile. But I’m so glad you had that “mental health” break and it sounds like it was just what you needed! Hooray!! And high fives for your awesome progress!! I’m so glad we can continue to update one another with where we’re at, and a HUGE thank you for ring-leading this whole wonderful endeavour! *HUGS!!*

  2. Jodi says:

    Why have I never participated in your WIPMarathons? *kicks self* I’d love to participate in your WIP monthly reports, but I’m guessing it would be out of context since I never participated in the marathon itself. I’ll just have to count my losses and wait for the one in August. Granted August is my most INSANE month of the year, but it’s a pill I’ll have to swallow if I want to play too. 🙂

    Even though it was a mere 200 words, I can feel the chemistry between Pladdia and Niteo. He also has a sort of adorable charm that is super-appealing. Good job!

    • Noooo Jodi, you can always join us for the monthly check-ins! Eeep! I’m so excited!
      You don’t need to have been a part of WIPMarathon before now, and besides, have you forgotten our deadline?
      That means you’d never get to update for SPIRALING but another book 😦 Would be soo nice if you join us!! *bribes you with chocolate and muffins*

      Thank you! Let’s hope his character’s consistent. Gah writing’s sooo hard.

      • Jodi says:

        Yes yes YES! I definitely want to do the monthly check-ins, even WITHOUT the chocolate and muffins! I love the idea of having something to hold me a little bit more accountable. So COUNT ME IN.

        Consistency with characters is SO tricky. I’m 80K in and STILL feel like I don’t know exactly who mine are.

        Okay, now I’m really craving a muffin, dang it.

  3. Sarah L Fox says:

    I so know what it’s like to find pesky threads that no longer tie together but I’m glad you found a way to keep moving forward. 🙂 Thanks so much for organizing this marathon! I’ll try to pop in on the hashtag every so often.

  4. […] So, this is the final check-in for the December-Januaray Edition of WIPMarathon, but I think I’m going to keep up with the monthly check-ins that were thought up. Which, by the way gals, I am so glad you decided to do! Anybody interested in the monthly WIPMarathon, please see: A Not So WIPMarathon Goodbye. […]

  5. Amy McNulty says:

    Thanks again for putting this together! It’s been fun, and I love the idea of monthly check-ins. Good luck with your goals!

  6. Yay, I’m so glad we’re keeping the monthly reports! 🙂 Glad you managed to fall in love with your WIP again, too. It’s hard sometimes when you’re rewriting because suddenly every little detail you change has a knock-on effect! My minor characters always become more important in the later drafts!

    Love the dialogue in the excerpt! 🙂

    Let’s keep the #WIPMarathon train rolling!

  7. amandashayne says:

    “Legendary forest”–I love the sound of that!
    And I love love love Pladdia’s attitude here: “You make it sound like wishing requires more special skills than having a mouth and a brain.”
    I can’t wait to get to know her better!

    I still haven’t gotten to read your email, but I’m happy to learn from this post that you fell in love with your story again!!!

    I hope you do meet your goal of finishing TSoTT before your birthday. Or ON your birthday–how cool would that be? 🙂

    • I’d be so thankful if I write the end ON my birthday! But at my current speed…

      Glad you love her attitude, even though it’s just a snippet. I’m curious to see what you think when you read it, writing is sooo hard.

      Much love!

  8. Cat York says:

    Oh Niteo, you sly boy. LOL! Great dialogue, Ifeoma. 😀

    I’m in for the monthly check-ins. I feel like I just started rolling on this one. I can’t believe it took me two months to get a rhythm on this. You guys helped so much. I may not have pushed for extra words when I was stuck. Thank you all.

    Woohoo! Keep the wiptrain rolling!

    And Happy Almost Birthday to you, dearie!


    • Thank you, Cat!

      You’re not alone.<3 I kept struggling with my story and before I realized it, the two months were over!

      And thank you for being a part of what made WIPMarathon work! <3<3<3

  9. krystal jane says:

    Cool! I’m so in for monthly check-ins! ^_^

    Not limiting your characters are definitely words to live by. I’m realizing this myself. Making breakthroughs account for a lot of progress. I hope they help you reach your goal. Good luck with making your deadline!

    I love Niteo in your excerpt! He sounds like fun. 😀

  10. […] huge thank you to Ifeoma for running this whole campaign. Ifeoma – you rock! And a huge thank you to all my fellow […]

  11. Yay! So delighted we’re going to keep the #wipmarathon going and do monthly check-ins! It really is so motivating and helps my writing so much!

    Congrats on everything you’ve achieved this marathon – rewrites aren’t easy. And another great excerpt. I really really want to read this book in its entirety. Think of me when you need a beta! 🙂

    • THANK you so so much, Suzanne!! I’ll definitely keep you in mind. Also, if you write anything fantasy, think of me!

      Yay I’m so glad we’d be keeping in touch this month!

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