WIPMarathon Check-In #7


January 18, 2014 by IfeomaO

Whew! Can’t believe it’s almost our last check-in already! Time flies by really quickly. Round hugs to all of us for making this far. ❤


Last Word Count + Chapter Count:

22 118 words and seven chapters completed.   


Current WC + CC (or SC):

30 961 words and up to the first scene of chapter 11 completed (that’s one-third of my estimated word count, yay!) 🙂


WIP Issues this week:

No major WIP issues except I couldn’t write or edit anything until Thursday. While editing my first act though, I noticed I had a few words/phrases/consequences I repeated.  So I worked on that. But it’s not over yet because repetition seems to creep in sometimes, and I (or my CPs) can only catch them while editing.


What I learnt this week in writing: 

Transferring your work to Kindle makes it so much easier to find faults. Prior to this week, my normal routine was write with Scrivener and edit with MS Word (just so I could see it in another format).

But using my (new) kindle is the easiest way to edit now, because I see more errors and it’s easier to incorporate the notes I made into Scrivener (because I have it in my hand while staring at my laptop!), instead of switching between windows as with MS word.

Okay, it might just be me being extremely lazy. But this method is the best.

Thursday night

Thursday night


What distracted me this week while writing: 

Just me, myself and my nerves.


Last 200 words:

I feel like I’m always cheating because it’s never the last 200 words exactly. But this excerpt is super-close. The last line is just two paragraphs away from the actual last line I wrote today.

“How do you know that?”

“I’m surprised you aren’t aware of this, given that you make maximum use of free learning.” She air-quoted the last two words, and felt terrible immediately. But misery was already eating her from inside, and it was hard to be nice.

“I try to know the details about things I consider important, and bits and pieces about those I do not.”

She gave him a suspicious look. “You sounded quite knowledgeable that night.”

“I was. And I am. But I had no idea of the wielders. I did not consider them as important as the methods to defeat them.”

Octavien’s warning rang in Pladdia’s head, but there was no harm in sharing knowledge. So she told him everything the librarian had said. And by the time she got to the end, her vision had become blurry. “There’s no hope for me out of this, you see.”

16 thoughts on “WIPMarathon Check-In #7

  1. Jodi says:

    I’m stealing your Kindle-editing idea. Brilliant in its simplicity!

  2. Cat York says:

    OH, Pladdia! ❤ Great excerpt, Ifeoma!

    What a great idea — sending your WIP to your kindle. I've thought about sending the final draft, but for editing it hadn't occurred to me. I'm stealing this.

    You are the best and I love that you get these marathons going and keep everyone motivated. I'm looking forward to what's left of #wipmarathon since I just started my draft!!

    Can't wait to read the next version!!

    • I can’t wait to read yours too, Cat! So glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

      Hope the editing works for you, it is so much better than switching between windows, which I absolutely hate. 🙂

  3. amandashayne says:

    Wow, that excerpt… “But misery was already eating her from inside, and it was hard to be nice.” So relatable and definitely gets the character empathy going for me. And the ending, “There’s no hope for me out of this, you see.” If you put it on its own line, it’d read like the perfectly punchy scene ending (though it doesn’t sound like this is the end of your scene based on what you said about the excerpt). But anyway, it could be!

    I’m so glad you included that picture of your workspace. It’s so cool to see where you study/work! I’ll have to try your Kindle method when I edit. I loved seeing my WIP on my Kindle, but as you know, the reading of the 1st draft didn’t go over very well. 😉 Better luck next time for me!

    Congrats again on your amazing progress despite the trouble you had earlier in the week. You really made up for it!

    • Good luck this time with your draft! I’m sure it will go well.

      And you have no idea how happy I felt that you loved my workspace. Probably doesn’t make sense but I was so happy to read that line. Maybe because I would have picked that out too if you wrote a post with your a picture of your workspace in it (twinism much!!)

      Much, much love, Amanda!

  4. Amy McNulty says:

    You got SO much done for just a few days, congrats!

    I fell in love with using the Kindle for editing last year! I don’t edit until I’m done with a draft, though.

  5. I LOVE editing with my Kindle. My CP was the first to tell me about doing it that way and I’ve used that method ever since. It’s *amazing* how much more you catch when it’s a completely different format, because your brain isn’t just reciting what it’s used to seeing.

    You made a TON of progress this week, so all the kudos, chocolate, and other sweets to you. Great job 😀

    I love the excerpt, too!

    I said it on someone’s blog but I’ll say it again: Why does it have to be over?! lol Can we make this an always blog hop instead? I love you all ❤ ❤

    • Oh I made a mistake! It’s actually ending two weeks from now. I love all the support we give each other. ❤

      It was actually Amanda that mentioned something about editing with Kindle on one of her August WIPMarathon posts, I think…and I asked her about it. Glad I tried it out now!

      Glad you loved the excerpt. *eats all the chocolate* ❤

  6. krystal jane says:

    I’m definitely going to try that out. I’ve heard a few people talking about it lately. It looks like fun, plus it seems super helpful as well. 🙂

    Good job this week! I do always wonder what’s going on with Pladdia. ^_^

    • Yes, it really helps, but I try not to revise every chapter with it. I was tempted to, but it’s better to revise after every act, or when there is really a lot to edit, so you can see it like a novel.
      And Pladdia is alright. muhaha 😉

  7. I can’t believe we only have one week left! I think repetitions, etc, are sometimes best caught when editing. Great idea to send it to your Kindle! I sometimes print my drafts, but I find that reading it on a different screen or even changing the font helps when I’m editing.

    • Printing sounds like a good idea too! But I’d do that when I’m done with my draft (or maybe the third draft), so I can give to my parents and sister.

      Sorry, it’s actually two weeks left but I wrote this post before I slept and thought today’s date was something else. Ugh.

  8. Interesting technique, using the kindle for edits. I’m going to have try that!

    Only one week left? 😦 I always seem to be my most productive during wipmarathon month.

    May all the words happen this week!

    • Me too! I rarely have anything pushing me to write at other times. Except the want of having written.
      But good news is it’s actually two weeks to go and I have no idea what I was thinking last night when I wrote the blog post. *headdesk*

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